Saturday, November 27, 2010

Morning Mist

 18x24 - NFS

This is another pastel from the past.  I'm working on two new paintings, but am taking lots of time with them.  One is a portrait and I haven't done portraits in quite a while so I'm taking my time and trying to get it completely right.  Anyway, I did this one a number of years ago when we went to the resort, The Hedges in October.  The mist was rising off the lake in the early morning and I think I got it.  I gifted this to the owner of The Hedges because she's such an amazing lady, who took this rustic place and lovingly restored it to it's glory days.  We all thought, before it was sold, that we would never be able to enjoy it again, but we're still going back, at least for dinners, whenever we can.  She has it hanging in her office and I'm very pleased she's enjoying it.

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