This is actually one of the first pastels I ever did. Ever since going to the IAPS convention in Albuquerque last May, and taking an "art business" demonstration, I've been organizing all my work. It's unbelievable that I've done as much as I have and have actually sold as much as I have, considering the learning curve I've gone through. That two hour course was such a necessity, as far as record keeping is concerned and pricing your work. Now that I have pastels in a Laguna gallery and also will have them in a gallery this summer in Indian Lake, NY, it's so important to have very good records. It's taken me six months to finally organize myself. Now it's just upkeep and I can breathe a sigh of relief and just paint! Oh, btw, this tree sits at the side of Blue Mountain Lake at a place called The Hedges, a beautiful rustic Adirondack resort.